Last Updated on April 24, 2021
Welcome to our Roblox Murder Mystery 2 Season 1 All Twitter item Promo codes list. We have the most up-to-date list of codes that you can redeem for some free gold, godly knife, and pets to show off in the game.
Make sure to check back often because we’ll be updating this code list whenever there are more codes valid added to the game.
How to redeem Murder Mystery 2 Promo Codes?
Redeeming codes in Murder Mystery 2 is a simple easy process. On the side of your screen while you’re in the lobby look for the inventory button on the left side of the screen which will pop up the following tab:
On the right bottom side of the window you will an “EnterCode” placeholder, in there type the following codes from the list and click redeem the code.
List of all Murder Mystery 2 Knife Codes List
Here’s a list of all the valid Murder Mystery 2 Knife item Promo Codes that are not expired:
Currently there is no active codes
You can follow them in Twitter to get more codes or you can come back to this page and check if there is new codes added.
Murder Mystery 2 Codes that expired
Dont try redeem these codes since they are currently expired:
- COMB4T2: Redeem this code to get free Combat II Knife.
- AL3X: Purple Knife
- NatureUpdate: 500 Golds
- SUBo: Green knife
- D3NIS: Dark blue Knife
- CORL: Blue knife
- SK3TCH: Orange knife
- PRISM: Silver knife
Note: Admins of this site cannot make new codes. Only developers of the game can create new codes.
Hopefully you have found these Promo Twitter codes useful for Murder Mystery 2. You can also check out a video to watch this video for some leaks:
We have also got more codes for other games you can use Roblox category of the site! You can also get a bunch of free items on our Roblox Promo Codes page.